The beginnings of ethnohistory in western Wellegga
essay 1975 Bender, M. Lionel (Marvin Lionel)

MaoAfrica > Eastern Africa
This document represents the first systematic attempt to establish the phylogeny of the different language groups spoken by the Mao peoples. The discussion begins by acknowledging the problematic nature of the task because some of the Mao groups (e.g...

Highland plateau Amhara of Ethiopia
Book 1985 Messing, Simon D. (Simon David) & Bender, M. Lionel (Marvin Lionel)

AmharaAfrica > Eastern Africa
This is a comprehensive ethnograpy of rural Amhara society and culture circa 1950s, including an extensive 100-page glossary. Amhara society is extremely hierarchical, ranked by property relations, ethnicity and occupation. At the top are the descend...